We streamlined roadmapping by implementing Aha!

Thomas Powell


We had a problem

To put it simply, our product roadmapping process had become a hassle. We had trouble at every step trying to keep our people on the same page. Prioritizing an ever growing set of features and making sure they related to our various internal initiatives and customer requirements wasn’t easy either. When priorities changed quickly as they often do, much of the team was left in the dark. This led to confusion and inefficiency. We had trouble correlating product goals, features and emerging ideas because nothing was clearly mapped out in one place.

We tried to use different tools to help us work through the process. Although they were useful for some aspects, we were all over the place when using email, Google Docs, Trello and Evernote all at once. Utilizing all these different tools without any integration made organizing our global releases and the prioritization of features a headache. And none of the tools helped us define and visualize our long term, integrated planning. We needed one tool for the entire roadmapping process that would allow us to define our product requirements, schedule our releases, track feature development, and communicate all of this to our team as it happened.

Aha! as a solution

When we checked out Aha! and saw that it had everything we needed all in one place, we were excited to try it out. Right away, Aha! began helping us to document and schedule the timing for all our releases, giving us a holistic view of our offerings in each product. With Aha! we can solidify our product roadmapping by combining tools such as board feature planning with vision and quadrant based prioritization.

Aha! makes planning our product roadmap and sharing it with our team super easy. Collaboration has been the key to our success so far, and Aha! has taken our global planning and prioritization to the next level.

By putting the product plans in one place, Aha! puts everyone on the same page in terms of priorities and deadlines as well. Using the Aha! publish feature, we can easily create customized notebooks to share tables, fantastic diagrams and charts of any part our plans with anyone we choose. Aha! is our single source of truth! It is our one place to define our product requirements and strategy, schedule our releases, track and prioritize our feature development, and communicate all of this to our team and others dynamically.

Life is good

With Aha! in place, we immediately began building a better, clearer product roadmap and doing it more efficiently and easily. From defining our product and strategy through planning releases and prioritizing new features that our customers want, Aha! is our guide through the roadmapping process. Aha! virtually gathers our team of nearly two-dozen developers, marketers, and managers from around the globe and puts us on the same page. This makes our weekly planning meetings much more targeted and useful than ever before.

Aha! is our single source of truth for efficient, productive, and easy product roadmapping and communication.

We use the variety of customizable views of the product roadmapping process to efficiently and gracefully understand and communicate the product planning process to a diverse group of team members and stakeholders. With efficient, easy roadmapping and communication capabilities, Aha! has taken us to the next level!

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