Features API

Features belong to releases. This means that if you want to create one then you must scope it to a release.

You can return a result set which is unfiltered, or filter by release , product , or epic. All these means of listing features can be further filtered by specific criteria like name, modification date, tag, or assignee.

Once you have the id of a specific feature, you can inspect, modify, or delete them on the root features resource.

List features in an epic

GET /api/v1/epics/:epic_id/features

epic_id *

Numeric ID or key of the epic


Search term to match against feature name


UTC timestamp (in ISO8601 format). If provided, only features updated after the timestamp will be returned


String tag value. If provided, only features with the associated tag will be returned


ID or email address of a user. If provided, only features assigned to that user will be returned

Example request

GET /api/v1/epics/PRJ1-E-1/features

Example CURL command

curl -g "https://company.aha.io/api/v1/epics/PRJ1-E-1/features" -X GET \
	-H "Authorization: Bearer 15b60d42d4bc417284a246ced6877b0bf13fb4aca415f7b55f7006bc3694a8ab" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-H "Accept: application/json"


authorization: Bearer 15b60d42d4bc417284a246ced6877b0bf13fb4aca415f7b55f7006bc3694a8ab
contentType: application/json
accept: application/json


Status: 200 OK
contentType: application/json; charset=utf-8

Response body