Give your customers a voice

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Capture product ideas in a central place

Make it easy for customers to share feedback via an ideas portal and promote the best suggestions directly to your roadmap


Add as many public or private portals as you need and customize idea visibility.


Upload a logo and add a theme color to match your company's branding.


Encourage your community to submit new ideas and vote on existing ones.

Encourage innovation

Ideas are essential for innovation. Create an interactive hub where your community can submit, browse, and vote on ideas. Portal translation — in English, Spanish, German, French, and Dutch — encourages people from around the world to share feedback in their language of choice. Customize your portal's look and feel or create multiple portals tailored to different audiences.

Capture pertinent details

Create dynamic idea forms with conditional rules to streamline the way you capture information about new ideas. This makes it easy for users to fill in relevant details about their ideas without answering too many questions. And you get the exact information you need.

Submit your way

Convenience is key when it comes to gathering feedback. Allow people to email ideas directly to your portal. Or activate an in-app idea submission widget — so users can share what they need right from your product. Give your widget a custom title and brand color, then specify where you want it to appear in your application.

Enable proxy voting

Empower your sales and support teams to capture feedback on behalf of customers. Proxy voting enables colleagues to share details about who the customer is and the associated business opportunity in a private portal. Notifications keep proxy voters informed of progress so they can let customers know what is coming next.

Engage in conversation

Gain clarity on what everyone wants. Comment on ideas to ask questions and get more context. Pin important requests to the top of your portal to encourage more input. Bring transparency into the process by sharing your roadmap and product announcements.

Streamline access

Add people to your portal individually or via CSV import. Enable single sign-on (SSO) so they can easily log in to your portal and share suggestions. You can even use the same SSO connection for multiple ideas portals. This streamlines portal configuration so you can start capturing feedback — fast.