Organize customer feedback

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Find out what customers really want

Understand the customers behind the ideas — from individuals to companies to segments — to gain deep insights into who needs what


See a complete view of what every person has requested.


Assess all the feedback from a given company.


Analyze feedback trends across different customer groups.

Track individual input

Pinpoint the needs of each person. See exactly which ideas they voted for and what you have delivered for them lately. You can also see which channels each person uses to share their feedback. This gives you a clear understanding of which requests matter most to them and the best way to engage them in conversation.

View ideas by company

Automatically group user-submitted ideas, votes, and proxy votes by company. Charts provide an overview of an organization's ideas data — including the status of requests and portal engagement. Track popular ideas to get a clear view of each company's top interests so you can make informed prioritization decisions. And when ideas are prioritized and flow into Aha! Roadmaps, track the corresponding feature by the customers it will benefit.

Analyze by segment

Create custom segments to quickly understand feedback trends across different groups. Grouping customers based on key attributes like industry, location, and size helps you view feedback through the lens of who is asking for what. Report on feedback trends across different groups of customers and compare their needs. Then identify a segment's top needs and prioritize ideas accordingly — so you can delight your customers and grow your business.

Be the customer expert

Come to your next customer call or internal meeting prepared with valuable insights. Have meaningful conversations about what customers want and which features you have shipped based on their requests. And when leadership asks for a report on product feedback, you have instant access to all the segment analysis, charts, and insights you need.