
Set a clear strategy for company and product success so you stay grounded in what you want to achieve. Find practical advice on goal-setting, cross-functional planning, prioritization, and leadership.

August 22, 2022

This Is Why You Should Not Accept Unlimited PTO

The longest-running reports related to employee benefits shared that while 99 percent of U.S. employers offer paid leave, only six percent offer an unlimited policy. But without a defined amount, how much PTO is appropriate can create tension between managers and teammates.

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August 12, 2022

Great Teammate vs. Great Boss

Great individual contributors can grow into great bosses. Here are some additional skills to focus on to excel as a manager.

June 28, 2022

What to Do When Layoffs Hit Your Tech Company

The current round of tech layoffs are incredibly painful to watch and even worse to experience — but this is also an opportunity to reach for something better. Learn how…

March 14, 2022

6 Surprising Benefits of Being Bootstrapped

Bootstrapped companies typically have less waste and overhead. The benefits of bootstrapping also include greater depth of knowledge, less distractions, more creative…